I am NOT Creative…I’m too logical

These are words I’ve lived by.  My sister is incredibly creative.  She is wonderful with colors and patterns, texture and flow. 

What if I have been wrong?  Not about Sister…She is Incredible.  But about myself?   I have created patterns for crochet, combined stitches for something new.  I just fried pears in butter and brown sugar with cinnamon and added almonds.  I served it with Brie on pretzel crackers.  Too much sugar, but it was good and it was my idea. 

The stories we tell ourselves, about Who we Are, are very limiting.  I am good at math.  Usually.  That does not mean I cannot be good at colors.  I always thought the two were mutually exclusive.  Right brain or left brain.  Science or Art.  I didn’t even know I thought that math and decorating were mutually exclusive. 

On it’s own this is not a big revelation, that someone can be logical and artistic at the same time; that I can be logical and artistic at the same time.  Underneath, however, is a HUGE shift.  I base my philosophy of life on my underlying assumptions.  If my underlying assumptions are limited or incorrect, and I don’t even know they are limited or incorrect, then my view of the world is LIMITED and I Do Not EVEN KNOW I don’t know.    

My choices:

  1. Ignore this revelation and continue on as always, blinders firmly in place
  2. Become paralyzed, afraid that I’m always missing something, making myself insane trying to accumulate ALL the knowledge needed to make the Right or Best decision
  3. Be OPEN. Enjoy the ride and do the best I can with the available information, using feelings, meditation, experience and intuition to determine my path. 

I like number 3, because I know that some of the Biggest mistakes I’ve made have led to the most joy and freedom.  The bad decision could be the best one right now.  I have faith that “…All things work together for good…”

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