Crochet is like Life

When I begin a new project, I usually have a pattern.  There is a definite framework and set of steps to complete.  There is excitement at the beginning as the piece begins to take shape.  Then monotony.  Each stitch can seem like drudgery.  As I form a stitch and look at the ENTIRE project, I think “There is no way I can do this huge thing”

Sometimes I make a mistake, skip a stitch or add one, incorrectly form a pattern or a part of a pattern.  That gets very messy…Do I undo everything to fix the incorrect stitch?  Do I scrap the project because that is too much work?  Do I pretend it isn’t there and just go on?  Or do I work the new variable into the pattern to make the project unique?

As I meditated today, I thought about the way Dr. Joe uses his voice and how certain words create the effect they describe. For example he says “…flashes of insight that are electric…” and I feel the flash and the electricity throughout my body.  How did he know to say that?  Why can’t I know what to say (or do) to make (fill in the blank) happen?  Why do I flounder and make mistakes?

My insight today was that it is a process!  As I pondered it, I realized Dr. Joe (probably) didn’t sit up from a meditation and think “These are the words that work!”.  He had the idea of using words and worked with different words to find a combination that created the effect he wanted.  Today, I am working with My Higher Self (Clean and Spirit side, not the lower higher self I was for so many years) to create the life I want.  I choose not sitting back and waiting for my Spirit Self to do everything (Been There).  I also choose not to bull my way through life without stopping to examine my path and re-evaluate my options (Done That)

I think that is what the journey of Life is about – A combination of requesting and listening for insight and taking the insights into the world and trying them out.  Like Dating.  Life is not about having all the right answers; it is about doing the best we can with the answers we have, at the moment, and looking for new information.

The fabric of my life is an ongoing work in progress.  I try new “Stitches” and see if they work, then I either incorporate them into the whole or I look for another stitch.  I am not alone in this process…I have my Higher Self as well as all the others in my life (husband, children, grandchildren, Mom, siblings, friends and strangers).  And there is nothing wrong with starting a pattern to make a hand towel and ending up with a kitchen rug.  The joy is in the journey!

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